Class 7/8 Clay Ocarinas

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Class 7/8 students have been designing and making clay ocarinas in Ceramics. This really fun and quite challenging project reinforces the pinching method students learnt last term, as they make and join two matching pinched bowl forms to create the sound chamber. Find out more

Physiology – Biology in a Human Context

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Class 9-10 have been presenting their Human Physiology projects this week - Science in our Upper School is not just confined to what can be ojectively measured, it includes the faculties of observation, thinking and an open mind.

Wet-on-Wet Painting in Kindergarten

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The beautiful colours and shapes of wet-on-wet painting are a distinctive feature of Steiner education which always catch the eye of visitors to a Steiner school.

Kindergarten Spring Festival

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Our Kindergarten Spring Festival is a magical day where children, parents and teachers come together and build a giant nest out of sticks, leaves and Spring flowers, in the hope that the Easter Hare will pay us a visit. Find out more...

Scientific Observation in Upper School

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In science we flip the ‘teach then show’ model and allows students the time to become scientists - motivated to trial, error and continuous inquiry.