Wraparound Care are ‘Excellent’ in supporting Wellbeing
5 March 2024
Wraparound Care is available for all Cardiff Steiner School children from age 3 to 12, providing a safe, secure and enjoyable extension to the children’s day. It’s held at the School and run by our experienced, creative and caring Wraparound Team. See more info on Wrapround Care and how to book at the end of this page.
Inspection Report Highlights
“Children are especially settled and extremely happy to attend the setting. This is because staff fully recognise and support their individual needs.
They develop secure and affectionate relationships with their friends and staff alike. They feel safe and speak with confidence as they know staff genuinely value their views and ideas. These strong relationships support children to confidently make choices and participate positively together in their play. Children are very familiar with the routines; this adds to their sense of belonging.
Staff are gentle, kind and nurturing towards the children. Staff always act as positive role models through respectful, friendly interactions with each other and children.
Children have excellent opportunities to make decisions about how they spend their time at the setting. They choose freely from toys and resources available to them and confidently request additional items to aid their play. Children are extremely confident to communicate their thoughts, ideas and share skills they have acquired as they know they will be listened to with interest.
Children of all ages respond positively and glow with pride when staff praise them for their efforts and achievements.
Children have many opportunities to develop their independence skills…[and are]…highly motivated to follow their own interests and sustain their play. For instance, older children thoroughly enjoyed playing outside in the dark with torches and bubble mixture. They positioned the spotlight on the formed bubble, watching which direction it went in the breeze. They were fully immersed in the awe and wonder of the activity.
Children are completely absorbed in their play. They benefit greatly from a range of open-ended, authentic resources which facilitate endless possibilities in their play and learning. Activities and resources provided promote their holistic development.
Staff have good relationships and communicate well with each other. Staff work in collaboration with the onsite school staff such as the school’s pedagogical mentor who holds reflective sessions with the leaders, to collaboratively identify further learning opportunities for the children and staff
The setting’s positive learning policy promotes strategies which help children to regulate their own behaviour and promote their self-esteem. We saw staff implement these strategies skilfully, using gentle tones, recognising when to step in quickly and re-direct children. They also use lots of praise to reinforce positive behaviour.
Leaders and staff have strong relationships with parents. They keep them well informed providing daily updates verbally and carrying out regular detailed review meetings. Leaders are committed to providing a quality service…and are dedicated and motivated to continually improve upon the service they offer to bring about positive outcomes for children.
Parents we spoke to were highly complimentary about the service, sharing how they feel part of the ‘setting community’. They feel valued as parents and involved in their child’s experiences.
Areas for improvement recommended include ensuring some of our team have childcare qualifications in addition to their playwork qualifications, and ensuring a consistent appoach in our staff professional development.
You can see the full report here.
Kindergarten Afternoon Care (age 3 to 6) 1.00-3.30
Afternoon Care children eat a healthy, freshly cooked lunch together, before enjoying a quieter afternoon of rest, and indoor and outside play. A whole day away from home can be a long time for your child, especially younger ones. We bring rhythm and security in sessions that are more like home.
After School Club (age 3 to 12) 3.30-4.30 or 6.00
After School Club offers a warm, caring, play-filled after-school experience. Children can unwind, eat good food, play outdoors, and build new skills in a relaxed way.
Rather than provide a whirlwind of activities, our focus is to foster children’s ability to create their own play and fun. We offer a balance of quiet indoor time, creative activities and indoor and outdoor games in a warm, homely and nurturing environment. After School Club provides an opportunity for friendships to flourish outside the classroom and across the ages.
Breakfast Club 8.00-9.00 (age 3 to 12)
Breakfast Club welcomes children with a nourishing breakfast and provides a homely, caring environment until Kindergarten or Classes start.
All Wrapround Sessions can be booked on a Regular or Drop-In basis, as needed.
Find more more about Wraparound Care and by emailing the School Office.
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