Ty Tan Leatherwork
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, Middle School, News, PhysicsTy Tan Students have produced some wonderful work in their introduction to leather embossing and dyeing

Ty Afon Mechanics
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, Middle School, News, PhysicsTy Afon students have been experimenting with Mechanics in Physics. Out of the box, scientific thinking in action...

Summer Fair 2024 in Pictures
Community News, Events, Frontpage Article, NewsThe Summer Fair 2024 in pictures. Beautiful People, Beautiful Community, Beautiful Day!

Ty Enfys ‘Under Milkwood’
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, News, Upper SchoolA stunning performance from Ty Enfys in Dylan Thomas' 'Under Milkwood'. Eccentric characters, lightning pacing and a beautiful feast of language.

St John’s Festival in Kindergarten
Festivals, Frontpage Article, Inside the Kindergarten, NewsWe had a lovely St. John's Festival in Kindergarten - a mid-year celebration of the summer solstice - jumping the fire in our Fire Crowns.