Class 9/10 Surveying Field Trip
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, NewsClass 9/10 are starting the year with a 10 day Surveying Field Study Trip to West Wales.

Class 2/3 ‘Building’ Main Lesson Block
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, NewsOur 8 to 9 year olds are hugely enjoying their extended 'Building' Main Lesson block this summer term

THANK YOU to our Maintenance Day Crew
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, NewsA huge THANK YOU to our mighty Maintenance and Allotment Clearing Crew - good fun, good people, good food, good work

Annual General Meetings Tues 22 May 2018
Community NewsNOTICE of the Annual General Meeting of Cardiff Steiner Early Years Centre Ltd
(operating as Cardiff Steiner School)
Tuesday 22 May, 5.30-7.00pm
at Cardiff Steiner School, Hawthorn Road West, Llandaff North, Cardiff CF14 2FL

Our NEW School Allotment
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, NewsWe are thrilled to have just got the keys to the gate of Cardiff Steiner School's first School Allotment - and are excited about the new opportunities it opens up for our students across all ages and areas of the curriculum.