Class 7/8 Launch their Inuit Kayak

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Class 7/8 launched their Inuit qajaq (kayak) today, as a wonderful close to the School year.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) Wednesday 12 July

Annual General Meeting of Cardiff Steiner Early Years Centre Ltd (operating as Cardiff Steiner School) Charity Number 1149061 Wednesday 12 July, 5.00-6.30pm At Cardiff Steiner School, Hawthorn Road West, Llandaff North, Cardiff CF14 2FL Our…

Kindergarten May Festival

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Our parents and families joined us to dance and sing around the Maypole, and share a picnic and story

Class 7/8 Kayak Building Project

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Class 7/8 are making a 20 foot, full-size reconstruction of an 1823 Inuit qajaq (kayak) in a wonderful living research project.

Easter Festival Lower School

Our parents and families joined us for the Lower School Easter Festival on the last day of term. Each Class presented something through song, story, verse or movement.