Our First School Class
School Development News5 March 2012
In January we asked six former Kindergarten and mainstream children to become our very first school class for two days. They were to be our sample class as we interviewed and observed our teacher candidates. Find out how they…
How to Make Worms
Inside the Kindergarten26 February 2012
The teachers are sweeping the playground and observing the children’s play as they work. A group of children have gathered in the corner at the bottom of the garden. Sitting in a circle under a tree they are engrossed in…
Welcome to our New Teachers
School Development News11 February 2012
We are absolutely delighted to have appointed the founding teachers for our new Steiner School for children aged 6 to 16, opening in September 2012. We were incredibly lucky to be spoilt for choice in our recruitment process,…
St Nicholas Surprise
Festivals, Inside the Kindergarten5 January 2012
The children enjoyed a wonderful St Nicholas Day at Kindergarten before Christmas.
St Nicholas Day on the 6th December is a very special celebration in many European countries. Children hope that St Nicholas will visit…
Advent Spiral
Festivals15 December 2011
Our Kindergarten community came together on the last day of term to celebrate light and warmth, joy and inspiration at our annual Advent Spiral. Families spent a wonderful morning enjoying a nativity ringtime presented by…