Ty Tan Outdoor Craft Camp
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, News, Upper SchoolTy Tan (Class 8/9) had an amazing time on their Outdoor Craft Camp at Coed Hills Rural Arts Space. Taking part in greenwood turning, basket weaving and blacksmithing, each student accomplised three piecesto bring home by the end of the week. Find out more.

Ty Seren Creation Stories
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, Lowers School, NewsTy Seren have begun the Class 3 curriculum by painting every morning through the seven days of the biblical story of Creation, bringing to life the images in the story through the vivid colours of wet-on-wet watercolour painting

Class 12/13 Project Presentations
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, News, Upper SchoolOn Saturday we met the young adults that our oldest students have become at the oral presentations for their Class 12 Projects

Newtonian Mechanics in Action
Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, News, Upper SchoolClass 10/11 have been investigating Newtonian Mechanics. In science we flip the ‘teach then show’ model by allowing students to first experience a phenomenon with deep curiosity, hypothesise potential answers and then test their educated guesses through experiment

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus – Happy St David’s Day
Events, Festivals, Frontpage Article, Inside the Classes, Lowers School, NewsDydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus - Happy St David's Day from Cardiff Steiner School.